5 R&D centers are established with over 300 technician (24% with master's or PhD degrees) mainly for continuous optimization of online products and fast follow of new products.
Hangzhou Center
Synthetic Biology Platform: mainly focusing on the R&D of biological enzymes, and the fermentation and down stream process.
Nucleoside platform of organic synthesis: mainly focusing on the development of protected nucleosides and cap analogs for mRNA.
Wuhu Center
Nucleoside platform of organic synthesis: mainly focusing on the development of modified and protected nucleosides, phosphoramidites and nucleotides.
Maanshan Center
Scale-up platform for nucleoside of organic synthesis: the development of the scale up process of modifed and protected nucleosides and pharmaceutical intermediate.
Quality Center
Product quality research platform, Product function evaluation platform, Analysis method development, validation, verification platform.
3PL Center
3PL Centers are established with some famous local universities and institutes for product development.